Product Details​

  • GJS-Ⅱ-2011
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  • GJS-Ⅱ-2011

    Suitable for bunchy fibers
    Aerial,underground,wall-mounting,hand hole -mounting
    Pole-mounting and duct-mounting

    • ¥0.00
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Suitable for bunchy fibers
Aerial,underground,wall-mounting,hand hole -mounting
Pole-mounting and duct-mounting

  • Advanced internal structure design

Easy to re-enter, it never requires re-entry tool it

The closure is spacious enough for winding and storing fibers

Fiber Optic Splice Trays(FOSTs) are design in SLIDE-IN-LOCK and its opening angle is about 90°

The curved diameter meets with international standard

Easy and fast to increase and reduce FOSTs

Straight-through for uncutting and branching for cutting the fiber

There are 2*3 drop cable elements to be chosen Max.16 pcs drop cable input/output

It can be installed Max. One 1:8 blockless PLC splitter.

Lay adaptors suit for FTTH and easy to operate

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